Selective Lockdown of At-Risk Citizens

Recognizing that the typical symptomology of COVID19 is relatively low risk for healthy adults and that a majority of deaths has occurred in the older population, lockdown and shielding rules should continue for those most at risk. This includes the elderly, immunocompomrised and those with chronic cardiopulmonary diseases. This will enable (with adequate PPE, physical distancing) greater lifting of restrictions for the less at-risk population.

Why the contribution is important

Across-the-board lockdowns are a blanket approach that is inefficient and causes significant knock-on harm to the health and well being of otherwise healthy and low-risk citizens in addition to potentially long lasting damage to the social and economic framework of Scotland.

by dblackie on May 07, 2020 at 09:07PM

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  • Posted by mikecon May 07, 2020 at 23:10

    Ageism again rearing its head . Who are the elderly. This seems to be a comment that is itself a blanket across the board lockdown. By all means those over 70 who are the High Risk should be protected. People who are not at risk and that includes the" elderly" and who are fit should be able to follow any phased relaxation of lockdown when introduced

  • Posted by Stewart20 May 07, 2020 at 23:11

    Agree but don't think should be legally enforced. If you're 85 and don't want to spend a substantial chunk of your last days stuck in your house you should be allowed to go out should you choose. Should all be based on public health advice, not legal sanctions.
  • Posted by HD123 May 08, 2020 at 06:24

    The "at risk" group should be expanded as understanding of the factors contributing to deaths from CV19 improves. For instance; those who are morbidly obsese appear to be much more likely to be hospitalised and eventually ventilated, with a much lower chance of recovery.
  • Posted by Sas65 May 08, 2020 at 06:34

    Agree in principle however the shielding cataegory must be reviewed and based on factual evidence of risk rather than blanket inclusion of conditions where there is little evidence that those individuals are more at risk of complications from the virus than the general population. Autoimmune conditions for example do not appear to be in themselves a major indicator of poor outcome in the absence of other risk factors. In fact the drugs used to treat these conditions are of the same type as some being trialed as treatments. A thorough review of risk factors required and perhaps a scale of risk to determine the level of shielding people should be asked to do would be more appropriate and resources can be better targeted to support those who really need to be protected releasing those who could be from very restrictive and unnecessary conditions.
  • Posted by Lynne_W May 08, 2020 at 10:33

    Agree fully and should be based on evidence of individual risk. May also require specific times of the day where the outdoor space is limited to this group. It appears the evidence is showing the limited impact of this virus on the majority of groups. This blanket approach may have had a role at the beginning, however suggest it needs reviewed and soon. Financial and health/wellbeing support should be targeted to the vulnerable group.
  • Posted by activeandvibrant May 10, 2020 at 13:18

    Who are “the elderly”? It would appear we are! We don’t recognise ourselves in this category and would not accept incarceration. Stop lumping seniors together! It is discriminatory!
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