Set a Date to get Most Businesses Working and Reduce Uncertainty

Businesses need clarity. As well as having staff back at work they need customers and they need suppliers. This is more important than location, price etc. Therefore, to enable businesses to open and SURVIVE they need to open, as close as possible, together. UK and Scot Gov need to urgently give businesses a target 'hit date' to plan for full re-opening. If this is muffed even more businesses will fail within a month of trying to re-open. The long-term effects of this hardly need describing.

Why the contribution is important

This is critical, urgent and affects us all. Private Sector Business is the 'Engine' of the economy, creating all the new value into the economy. Without business getting back into action, successfully, then eventually all else will inevitably fail.

by paratus809 on May 05, 2020 at 05:17PM

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