Shine a luminous light on the [matter].

The same idea as a thermometer, to record body temperatures, or the scanner device going through airports - to detect Co-vid 19, it would be beneficial and ingenious, if people the world over, could hold in their possession, a piece of light weight, inexpensive, and easily accessible equipment; that could project a sort of Infrared or luminous light on surface areas - which would be designed to show up the deadly virus, ultimately helping to stop the spread of the contaminant.

Why the contribution is important

Everyone wants to help eliminate the virus and stop the spread. If such a thing was designed, a lot of people would be saved.

It keeps being referred to as the "invisible" assailant, well; shining a light on it, would bring it into focus, so to speak, and would cut down on having to bleach every square inch of self, living/working/commuting space and areas repeatedly, to the point of exhaustion.

by Faith on May 06, 2020 at 02:59PM

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