
Sensible precautions have been applied in food shops and the public has cooperated widely. Having spoken to check out staff, many appear to be confident that their working conditions are safe. There appears to be no evidence of infections centring around food stores. Does this not suggest that a similar approach in other shops and businesses can be deployed with a manageable risk to users and staff?

Why the contribution is important

Food stores provide hard evidence that economic and social activity (albeit in a modified form to address risk) can happen in a safe way. The model supports the ability to allow more businesses to operate while allaying fears of increased infection risk. This would benefit people both socially and comically.

by KSM on May 06, 2020 at 10:50AM

Current Rating

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Based on: 6 votes


  • Posted by carolinejrobertson May 06, 2020 at 11:30

    I agree more shops should be able to open but we MUST restrict the numbers in stores at any one time. Also shop staff must not be stacking shelves whilst open to the public. If this means the closer earlier so be it. Shops may need to configure their layouts so it’s easier to progress through the shops.
  • Posted by borisj May 06, 2020 at 11:42

    So long as a shopkeeper can show how they will manage the hygiene and social distancing requirements of the new normal, why shouldn't they open. Haircuts by appointment, segregation around open plan retail shops and one way systems, lots of people with disinfectant and cloths (not wipes, let's not forget all the waste).
    I can still buy a toaster in tesco because they also sell food, why not in curry's who were forced to close their stores ?
    If I need clothes, I need to choose between F&F, George or online, clothes shops would be perfect for segregation into categories and age groups. Take a number and wait your turn to get in.
    Retail drives everything else in the UK, so get that running first
  • Posted by AMNCL0605 May 06, 2020 at 11:59

    If we can all queue outside supermarkets and DIY stores on a sensible format, we can do this for all shops!
  • Posted by lmg1612 May 06, 2020 at 12:18

    Shops, in particular small businesses need to reopen. Not everything can be bought in a supermarket. Obviously following social distancing guidelines.
  • Posted by Hughes May 06, 2020 at 14:11

    Yes I think small shops/business should re-open and follow the social distancing guidelines, they need to make money and keep staff as well as not getting every thing in supermarkets which you can in smaller shops.
  • Posted by Joy May 06, 2020 at 15:39

     Hairdressers should be allowed to open.We need a bit of a fee good factor and this is one of them.
  • Posted by Bellabolan24 May 08, 2020 at 06:58

    Retailers need to be allowed to work out what measures they can take for their premises. Many are capable of putting in place sensible measures. Let shops of any size figure out how to reopen and try to keep high streets alive. Whilst food is essential, other forms of retail are also essential for other reasons. The high streets were struggling before this and it won't need much more of this to kill local shops completely. Let the market work it out.
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