Sixth Year School Leavers

In the proposed phased return to school, there has been no mention of sixth year school leavers. This may be because their formal school education has finished. It is important, however, to recognise the emotional impact on these pupils of the abrupt closure of schools on 20th March. Not only were exams cancelled, but many planned end of school activities have been jeopardised and are unlikely to take place. Many of these pupils feel devastated that they may not see their whole year group or teachers at school again. The transition from school to further education or work is important, and will not occur again in the lives of these pupils. They should be considered when the phased return to school is planned. At the moment, they appear to be the forgotten year group of pupils.

Why the contribution is important

These pupils need to be allowed to return to school, if it is safe for any pupils to return.
This would give them some semblance of normality in these uncertain times. They would have structure for that period of time, in contrast to the present position when they have no academic work to do and limited social contact.
It is also invaluable that they can say goodbye properly to their schooldays and to the important people from that period in their lives, particularly when there are uncertainties over how further education in the autumn will be delivered.
It would be detrimental to the mental health of these young people if they are, and feel they are, disregarded. Without any potential return to school, they will have about six months with no purpose or external support from an academic body.
A return to school for even a short period of time would demonstrate that these young people have not been forgotten.

by ufd1 on May 08, 2020 at 12:28PM

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  • Posted by Debs May 08, 2020 at 13:36

    Don't think I could get my 18 year old daughter to return to school. Although it was not ideal the sudden end to her schooling she is mobing on and looking forward to her future and is more worried that freshers week will be cancelled. Also priority has to be given to the children still offically still at school
  • Posted by Dmkeith61 May 08, 2020 at 13:52

    The vast majority of these pupils would not normally return after the exams anyway so no need for them to go back to school. All schools once reopened could plan after school gatherings for these pupils to allow them the chance to say goodbye to each other and their favourite teachers.
  • Posted by tfm22 May 08, 2020 at 14:46

    This is so important! Not being allowed a proper end to school will make it very difficult for pupils to close this chapter of their lives and look to the future. Furthermore, their formal education has not been finished as without exams their learning from S6 has not been cemented. Even if it is not safe for pupils to return in June, schools should postpone leaver’s celebrations to a later date.
  • Posted by Marylittlewood May 08, 2020 at 14:51

    Excellent idea, my daughter would love to return to school for the end of the year to say goodbye and thank you to all teachers. I believe it would do everyone good to close this chapter of their lives.
  • Posted by lmn7 May 08, 2020 at 15:36

    I whole heartedly agree with allowing S6 pupils back to school to finish off their school days. The celebrations and end of term rituals are a right of passage for all school leavers and it seems most unfair that they are not even being considered in public dialogue. University and College beckons, yes, but in what form? Most likely online to begin with. These young people need to be recognised and allowed to have the chance to say goodbye and thank you to teachers and to school life.
  • Posted by ekrh88 May 08, 2020 at 16:19

    I believe S6 pupils, especially those from schools who do bring their pupils back after exams, should be brought back to school if the situation permits. This is because the rushed and chaotic 'goodbye' most pupils got was not what they deserved after so many years of hard work. Many will look back on this abrupt ending to their education with sadness and anger if they do not get the chance to do it properly later.
  • Posted by sas123 May 08, 2020 at 16:50

    School is a major era in everyone’s life. The 2020 leavers where given 2 days notice to prepare for this milestone but also to good bye to a place where they grew up. We should be able to celebrate our hard work if it is possible.
  • Posted by InglishTeecher May 09, 2020 at 10:29

    When would this happen? If it is before the schools go back, then what is the point? Would teachers be asked to return to the building which is not deemed safe for teaching, but is for S6 pupils to wave at a distance to each other? If it is after we return, we will be adding bodies to a situation which will already be difficult to manage in terms of social distancing. There won’t be enough rooms and teachers to go around, so an additional year group wandering, getting others to sign shirts, etc, isn’t going to help.

    I agree it is sad that these pupils didn’t get the send off they expected and it must be a scary and uncertain time to be a teenager, but we have to think about our priorities here. These goodbyes and celebrations need to wait until we are sure we can safely educate younger pupils.
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