Smoking in public

Smoking in public should be banned during the lockdown... at least, its a start.

If it is recommended that we wear face coverings this needs to be given serious consideration. If we are covering our noses and mouths in order to obstruct and diffuse our breath then smoking is incongruous.

It is ridiculous to observe people removing face masks in order to light up.

Why the contribution is important

There will never be a better time to reinforce the quit smoking message.

by snail on May 10, 2020 at 10:39PM

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  • Posted by worstludditeever May 11, 2020 at 08:37

    While we are at it, lets ban drinking everywhere.

    If smoking helps people cope, better to smoke outside, rather than inside where the smoke affects others too.
  • Posted by snail May 11, 2020 at 12:08

    They can smoke at home. Banning smoking in public is to help stop the virus spreading. It's for the good of the population, not a convenience for the individual.
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