Social bubbles

To allow members of say three households who have been in lockdown in the same town/city to now have some interaction. This would facilitate grandchildren being able to have contact with their grandparents and so alleviating many of the strains of lockdown. This could be achieved whilst still emphasising the need for social distancing when out, wearing masks in enclosed spaces, hand washing and no face touching. We have had seven weeks of lockdown and all of the members of my proposed bubble have been responsible. We now need to see our children and grandchildren and this would facilitate that.

Why the contribution is important

We need to start interacting in some way soon. Social bubbles facilitates the process in a controlled and responsible way. Clearly, we need better testing and to monitor infections but complete isolation from family members is unsustainable and detrimental to wellbeing.

by Amonra on May 08, 2020 at 09:28AM

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  • Posted by Elkie May 08, 2020 at 09:38

    I do agree with the need to facilitate contact between family, friends and other loved ones.
    But, in my opinion, this does have to wait until a reliable antibody test can be rolled out to absolutely everyone.
    Children can’t and shouldn’t be expected to follow constant rules of social distancing and hygiene.
  • Posted by Rm89 May 08, 2020 at 09:40

    I agree with this. Mental health is important and kids are having arguably the most difficult time.
  • Posted by anniemckain May 08, 2020 at 09:41

    People would find this difficult to adhere to social distancing. Hugging Grandchildren and family members
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