Social Bubbles

I propose that families can meet and mingle in circumstances where they are in separate homes. This will not extend to friend circles due to the higher risk. The mitigation of the risk here would be that if a single person in the social circle begins to show symptoms that the entire social bubble has to self isolate until such a point that a test is carried out and the results known. If there is a key worker in the family this test can be carried out within 48hrs due to the drop in points allocated on the government website. The family themselves should be given the choice to do this or to continue shielding if there is a person with higher risk in the household. Give the power back to the populous rather than enforce rules on them.

Why the contribution is important

I feel that mental health is a huge factor that is being overlooked by the Scottish government. People are being isolated from friends and family and in some cases bending the rules to see them. According to the data available, there is a large increase in anxiety among 18-35 year-olds and an uptick in the number of antidepressant medications being prescribed to the younger generation. This is unacceptable. This idea allows important social interaction and familial support. There is also the mental affect on particularly young children who have difficulty understanding why they can't visit their grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. At a certain point the Scottish Government has to realise that simply keeping people alive is not good enough. Mental wellbeing is important too.

by Rm89 on May 08, 2020 at 09:38AM

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  • Posted by Kim May 08, 2020 at 10:02

    I agree families need to be able to get together and they are able to make the shielding decisions for their own family.
  • Posted by Dwilliams21 May 08, 2020 at 10:57

    This sounds a great idea in practice but I struggle with a practical implementation. If it means restricting the bubble size such that all people in it cannot make contact non-essential contact with anyone outside of it then I can’t see it working, other for someone in a remote location or with a very small social circle.
  • Posted by Rm89 May 08, 2020 at 11:13

    At the moment the practical implementation of the lockdown itself is easily circumvented. By offering people a way to have their cake and eat it too, ie visiting family without feeling they're breaking the guidelines, they may be more likely to follow. It's about give and take and at the moment, the general public is getting nothing back.
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