Social Distance
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Keep social distancing and wearing of masks as mandatory requirements .We need to see more 'visible policing' of this as up until now , I've not seen anything .
Open garden centres with srict adherance .
Introduce antibody testing asap. Tracing of contacts.
Continue with shopping restrictions and rules there.
Suspend all travel outwith u.k. PROPERLY.
Adequate PPE in community and care home settings to continue with stringent hygene checks .
It's common sense
Open garden centres with srict adherance .
Introduce antibody testing asap. Tracing of contacts.
Continue with shopping restrictions and rules there.
Suspend all travel outwith u.k. PROPERLY.
Adequate PPE in community and care home settings to continue with stringent hygene checks .
It's common sense
Why the contribution is important
It's common sense.......
by megpiper57 on May 07, 2020 at 01:42AM
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