Solemn Trials (Jury Trials)

Dispense with jurors and proceed to have trials with 3 judges. This was done in the Lockerbie trial. This will avoid prisoners being on remand for an extensive time there are no details of when solemn trials will recommence. Certainly many members of the public will be very reluctant to sit on juries in the present climate and later.

Why the contribution is important

Prisoners on remand for very long periods;
trials are not being scheduled; health fears of jurors ;
Inability to observe social distancing without excessive cost on redesign of courts;
Cost and time taken for jury trials in present climate;
Backlog is mounting as time progresses;
Justice delayed is justice denied

by Janemillar007 on May 07, 2020 at 11:40AM

Current Rating

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Based on: 4 votes


  • Posted by jennyw May 07, 2020 at 12:32

    These are unchartered times and require change to manage issues. Our legal system as it is wastes a vast amount of public money and if these suggested measures saves money and time, freeing up our detention centres then so be it.
  • Posted by Dumfin02 May 07, 2020 at 13:27

    You could utilise the expertise of lay people who have been members of related Tribunals (eg: Parole Board, Children's Panels or SSDT) to act as Jurors. Expertise would be such that better decision making would result in more efficient and sensible verdicts. It would also tap into a valuable talent resource that is currently going to waste when official appointments come to an end.
    Legislation could be passed to allow for juries to consist of 3+ members.
  • Posted by Samsdc May 08, 2020 at 07:06

    Excellent idea by Dumfin02.
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