
Why don’t we follow Spain’s format for easing lockdown where they only allow certain age groups, cyclists and runners out at different times of the day which when you think about it really makes sense and will obviously control the rate of infection.

Why the contribution is important

I think my idea is important because for example cyclists don’t have to worry about pedestrians and vice versa and also it would be easier to Police as everyone knows when they should and should not be out.

by Santander on May 05, 2020 at 01:35PM

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  • Posted by Julie May 05, 2020 at 13:58

    Restricting times for different types of exercise or by age could mean some don’t get the chance to go out depending on shifts, working patterns, caring responsibilities etc.

    With consideration from all we don’t need these additional restrictions, don’t we have enough to put up with already.

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