Specialist Covid Hospitals
Would the NHS in Scotland have the capacity and staff to resource the specialist hospitals that have been set up for those specifically suffering from Covid-19 so that patients would be placed and treated in separate hospitals?
This would leave other general hospitals to get back to work and treat all those who are reluctant to be treated or go to A&E while Covid-19 is still working its way through the population.
I understand the nightingale hospitals are not at all full, and some are being mothballed but could we use them as special 'Quarantine Hospitals'. They would be well-placed and ready if another peak does transpire itself later in the year.
This would leave other general hospitals to get back to work and treat all those who are reluctant to be treated or go to A&E while Covid-19 is still working its way through the population.
I understand the nightingale hospitals are not at all full, and some are being mothballed but could we use them as special 'Quarantine Hospitals'. They would be well-placed and ready if another peak does transpire itself later in the year.
Why the contribution is important
It would alleviate some of the major issues that we are going to have to deal with when lockdown eventually eases and its full impact in terms of the general health and wellbeing of Scotland's citizens is known.
by cameroro on May 10, 2020 at 08:15PM
Posted by StayAtHomeSaveLives May 11, 2020 at 06:00
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Posted by GJBB May 11, 2020 at 12:21
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Posted by alexandra97 May 11, 2020 at 13:25
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Posted by JMack May 11, 2020 at 13:59
As Covid-19 testing capability builds in Scotland, the opportunity to take a more proactive, early intervention approach to the illness opens up. As our understanding of the virus grows, it seems clear that through “silent hypoxia” and hidden damage to vital organs, many Covid patients are, in fact, very ill by the time they call 111 and are subsequently admitted to hospital, putting intense pressure on high-intensity medical services up to and including intensive care. I suggest that the Government and NHS in Scotland now gives active consideration to much earlier and closer medical intervention along the lines of the process that has operated in Germany. The following illustrative quote is from the Byline Times, 4th April:
“Another reason why Germany has managed to limit the mortality rates is because of huge coordinated community engagement and outreach programme that helps to limit the spread of the disease within the cases of early mild and moderate symptoms. Germany set up a programme of ‘corona taxis’ – where doctors outfitted in protective gear, travel around their local communities to check on patients who are at home, a week into being sick with the coronavirus. They take a blood test from the patient, looking for signs that the patient is about to go into symptom decline. They then often suggest early hospitalisation, or offer medication to patients who have mild or moderate symptoms; therefore increasing the likelihood of minimising patient deterioration in the earlier stages of symptoms and improving the chances of surviving before any rapid infection decline by being in a hospital when symptoms begin.”
Why the contribution is important
1. The suggestion may be a significant contribution to saving lives.
2. There may be improved health outcomes in terms of chronic health conditions arising from the virus. This is clearly good for the people affected, and good for the best use of NHS resources in the longer term.
3. Once more people are back at work, enabling Covid sufferers to return to good health more quickly, and with less chronic secondary illness, will have beneficial effects for the Scottish economy.
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