Spending Christmas 2020 with elderly family

I want to spend Christmas with my 81 year old mum and immediate family. To do so I may need to totally self isolate with my family from 10 December. Many people may badly want to do the same. We would need some assurance that this is a safe thing to do for the elderly relative in particular, clear advice on dos and don’t s and some support from employers and schools that we will not be punished or penalized for being physically absent for 2 weeks in December in order to spend Christmas with our loved ones.

Why the contribution is important

It matters to have Christmas to look forward too and I desperately want to hug my mum but can’t see that being able to happen any time soon.

by Beattiegee on May 08, 2020 at 08:30AM

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  • Posted by Haggis59 May 09, 2020 at 06:40

    We can't plan that far ahead. I know we need something to look forward to. Christmas will definitely take place but it may be different from how we've celebrated past Christmases. More importantly we currently need to reduce spread of virus and stay in contact with family by phone,especially our elderly parents, to keep them positive and reassure them just now.
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