Spot Checks on Businesses

Currently the public are nervous about driving to the supermarket or going for a walk or stopping to talk to someone etc, in case they are perceived to be breaking the current rules and police are conducting checks and issuing fines.

But employers are very relaxed about what is going on inside their businesses (behind closed doors), with no fear of reprisal in cases of lack of PPE, hygiene, social distancing, lack of home working, lack of screens, etc because there is no govt body conducting random checks.

Why the contribution is important

The work place is more likely to spread infection than daily exercise / driving.

Police and HSE should conduct and focus spot checks on businesses to ensure appropriate H&S measures are in place and fine businesses if not.

Why are individuals being fined for driving to a walk but businesses not being fined for not maintaining social distancing at work or enabling working from home, etc?

by lalpton on May 05, 2020 at 02:04PM

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  • Posted by Hmartin578 May 05, 2020 at 14:14

    Agree that there has to be checks on businesses and ability to fine them Workers should be able see the risk assessment of the measures required. Whilst lots of businesses will be sensible but it has to be recognised measures cost and some will not
  • Posted by Boblidd May 05, 2020 at 14:20

    This just highlights what many of the Trade Unions have been requesting for many years to have an independent Scottish HSE with enough resources so that spot checks like this should be done in workplaces but the resource may be thin on the ground so reports by employees H&S Union reps etc should be investigated when concerns are raised with employers and are ignored by the same employers. Spot checks could be carried out in sectors where we know H&S is liable to be flouted such as in the Construction Industry further more and whistleblowers raising concerns must have full protection of the law as unscrupulous employers will try to discipline/sack/pay off these people, similar to the Industry wide Blacklisting.
  • Posted by Richs May 05, 2020 at 14:26

    Agree that compliance needs to be monitored and consequences put in place, essential employees are protected
  • Posted by Rachel_T1502 May 05, 2020 at 17:32

    Definitely agree it seems that a lot of resources are being used policing low risk activities whereas there is likely to be much higher risks in indoor settings/businesses and supermarkets
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