Spray communal areas of blocks of flats weekly with disinfectant

Residents in blocks of flats have to pass through enclosed communal areas where social distancing is impossible. People are coughing and sneezing over the surfaces and potentially spreading the virus on walls, handrails,floors,lifts and door entry buttons. A weekly spray of appropriate disinfectant would surely help to reduce spread and protect vulnerable residents.

Why the contribution is important

Disinfectant sprayed on enclosed communal areas would reduce the spread of the virus for flat dwellers.

by twilight on May 06, 2020 at 08:56PM

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Based on: 13 votes


  • Posted by Gcairns May 06, 2020 at 21:29

    I don't agree too much through traffic, you have each resident potentially going out each day for their exercise etc, royal mail deliveries, alternative delivery drivers, store food deliveries each day. Once a week would only protect that day really
  • Posted by GillHain May 06, 2020 at 21:36

    Sounds potentially valuable so long as substances used would not damage the fabric of the buildings and create adverse reactions in flat residents and those working with them
  • Posted by Niall May 06, 2020 at 22:01

    I think proper advice would be needed on this suggestion. The virus can only survive for one to three days on most surfaces in any case. To be effective the measure would need to be much more frequent. You would probably have better results with proper ventilation (negating the positive effects of fire doors, which is obviously a problem) and handwashing.
  • Posted by Debrastorr May 06, 2020 at 23:43

    It needs to be more frequent to be useful.
    Better advice is to hand wash on arrival home and before leaving house, minimising risks both ways.

    But wiping down commonly touched surfaces as often as possible is good. But just weekly - tokenism.
  • Posted by BUTEMACS May 07, 2020 at 01:26

    Can't see any harm in it if the logistics could be sorted & if this was done it would have to be on a daily basis but if block of flats had a care taker this could be part of the job & say just main areas , having said that I have lived in a few blocks of flats where residents didn't even clean their own areas.
  • Posted by JohnHarvey May 07, 2020 at 06:12

    As someone who lives on the ground floor of a close of 8 flats I believe this to be a good idea however the disinfecting process would have to be greater than once a week.
  • Posted by northgranny May 07, 2020 at 09:02

    good idea my son lives in a block of flats with six households coming and going daily and not all adhering to the social distancing rules but I think twice weekly would be better
  • Posted by JLaw May 07, 2020 at 10:47

    I have wondered why spraying seems to be used in public areas in other countries as I would have thought this could spread the virus in small droplets. Would old fashioned mop with disinfectant not be safer?
    According to online guidance about virus, it seems that cleaning would need to be frequent.
     At least there are probably fewer people using shared areas at present than usual.
    In future we need to consider whether there is a benefit, in terms of improving the safety of all, in requiring more cleaning of frequently used public and shared areas, as well as reinforcing the wash your hands message.
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