Staff at risk
The idea of sending children back to school at any time soon is inviting a huge second wave. The children might not be vulnerable to Covid19 but that won't alter the fact that they could be non-symptomatic carriers. I work in a large Primary School and have health issues which place me in a higher risk category. When people talk about schools opening, there has to be a reality check. Children want to play, chat, run around, share toys etc. The notion of socially distancing 770 children is a non-starter. School staff and their families would be put at risk; parents and grandparents of pupils would have their risk heightened and we would be on the merry-go-round again. Unfortunately, I feel, schools should be open only to vulnerable children and those of key workers for some considerable time.
Why the contribution is important
I feel very strongly that opening schools would be a huge mistake for the reasons outlined above. On a personal level, I am unsure of when I will be able to return to work, given my health issues.
by Dannysdottir on May 07, 2020 at 05:23PM
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