Staggered Schooling

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A Staggered Schooling Approach.

Senior phase pupils attending school on a more part time basis, creating a new norm for the promotion of independent learning.

To minimise school populations, senior phase pupils could attend school maybe later in the day, have different break times, attend school only when they have class.

Attendance to class should be if absolutely a requirement, with a bulk of learning done online through interactive resources, live lesson streaming.

It could nurture a new approach to learning in the senior phase: independent curiosity; pupils being taught to enquire, further their own study while having the strong, supportive foundations of the curriculum and teacher delivery.

Say, for example:

Monday - 4 lessons: 11.00 to 3
Tuesday - morning only
Wednesday - full day with different breaks, lunches
Thurs - home, online learning
Friday - lesson attendance, e.g. period 2, 4 and 7 only.

Why the contribution is important

It is important so as to not have a large school population in at the one time, all of the time. To stagger mass pupil engagement.

Having a differing lunch/break pattern, you reduce mass pupil engagement at particular times.

This approach would prepare senior phase pupils to the dramatic shift in learning when you attending further/higher education: independent study, putting a strong focus on the pupil's responsibility to learn, to engage, to seek help.

by indyScot96 on May 07, 2020 at 08:27AM

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