Starting University

I have read through the document and i cannot see anything in it concerning the planned return to university. There will be a significant amount of new intakes due to start in September, coming from various countries. How do we know that these new intakes coming from others are not infected. I would suggest that they are tested before they can start university.

Why the contribution is important

some one from another country could start university, where they are thousands of students and lecturers, who are infected, and can potentially start the spread of the virus again. I don;t know if all countries are talking about implementing the app which the Uk are currently trialling

by mr55055 on May 05, 2020 at 01:38PM

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  • Posted by MiniMum65 May 05, 2020 at 13:54

    Will students from other countries be allowed by their own Governments to come? Also, what if the plan for a 14 day quarantine is issued, surely that would help? Personally, I’m more concerned that my own children will be able to start (youngest) and recommence (eldest). They’ve worked hard to get there. Will there be some form of social distancing maintained, how does that work in practical classes? Will Halls of Residence open? Freshers Week? All the things a student looks forward to need looking at.
  • Posted by lggl May 05, 2020 at 16:01

    students need some indication of what is going to happen in Sept and every effort should be made to continue their opportunities. Young people need to be considered in this, currently their needs are being pushed aside - they are the ones who will bear the impact of a ruined economy , reduced life opportunities etc and deserve their opportunities to be maximised.
  • Posted by DrSaraParvis May 05, 2020 at 17:11

    It's impossible to say yet what will happen when Universities start again, but those concerned about wanting their children to have that opportunity should be assured that the Universities and their lecturers are longing to open up again and greet the new intake and start engaging with them, it's what we live for! But only if it is safe, and we just don't know yet whether it will be or not. It may be that classes will have to start online and only come back to being in rooms and lecture theatres after a few weeks in, or that there will be social distancing of one sort or another. Some Universities are considering beginning the year later and going on later. But be assured this is all being very carefully looked in to, with a view to the students having the closest thing to a normal University experience that is safe, and with a view to giving as much information as can be given as soon as it becomes clear what the parameters are likely to be next autumn. As for international students, they would face the same border policies as everyone else (including UK citizens returning from abroad), whatever these were at their time of arrival.
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