Stricter Punishment

I feel that there should be a greater fine penalty for individuals and groups who are choosing to purposely break the set conditions issued by the government in previous weeks.

You have people with authority who are setting these conditions, yet breaking them at the same time. They have publicly admitted to not following these guidelines and 'resigned' - they should face further consequences as stated by the government - a fine. In addition, people are choosing to go outside with no purpose and facing no consequences for their actions.

Why the contribution is important

If the government enforce a more strict follow through of there charges to these individuals - this will enforce more people to stay at home and dramatically decrease the 'R' number. This will allow for people to get back to some what 'normality'.

by WMPC on May 06, 2020 at 02:25PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 3.5
Based on: 12 votes


  • Posted by maryh May 06, 2020 at 15:47

    get real, these rules are in breach of Human Rights, time somebody was testing them in the Courts
  • Posted by MaryDee May 06, 2020 at 17:18

    The rules are there to save lives and protect NHS and Key workers as well as the vulnerable. It is very sad that we need to have 'rules' and 'punishments' ie that everyone will not simply do the right thing and make sacrifices for the greater good without these. Fines and punishments are therefore sadly essential to encourage people to do so. I would support greater punishment for anyone breaking the rules.
  • Posted by ArchieM May 06, 2020 at 18:31

    Rather than treat adults as children by having more severe punishment perhaps recognize that as adults some people will stop and chat with friends and maintain a distance, that people will visit relatives if only to speak via an open door or an open window. Those people recognise that you need to maintain social distancing and respect it what is wrong with that.

    Simply telling people not to do something does not make it right.

    You could agree to meet up with family at the queue for a supermarket or B&Q and chat there but not in your garden or a park even if you did socially distance?
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