Suggestions and Recommendations to End the Lockdown.
In the first stage,fields representing a “significant economic contribution,” including manufacturing and tech companies, would be allowed to reopen fully and permitted to return to work. The public sector would be allowed to work at 50% capacity.
Both private and public sector workers, however, would be subject to strict social distancing and hygiene rules.
At the same time, during the first stage, some limited educational
frameworks should be allowed to restart, such as special education and preschool networks, small class groups for students facing matriculation exams.
In order to facilitate such a return both to work and to school, public
transportation, which is currently running under a severely limited
framework, should be increased.
In stage two, which would take place one week later, I would suggest and recommend returning the vast majority of the private and public sector to work, including most stores that have been shuttered in the past month.
At that stage, students in grades 1-4 should be allowed back to elementary schools, potentially allowing all parents to return to their places of work without having to stay home to look after young children.
In stage three, the remaining school students should be allowed to return and cafes, restaurants and hotels reopened. Various limitations would still remain in place, however, such as limitations on large gatherings including at schools etc.
Finally, in stage four, which should be rolled out when there is “satisfactory control” over the spread of the virus, public places of major gatherings such as malls, cinemas and sport centers should then be opened.
Both private and public sector workers, however, would be subject to strict social distancing and hygiene rules.
At the same time, during the first stage, some limited educational
frameworks should be allowed to restart, such as special education and preschool networks, small class groups for students facing matriculation exams.
In order to facilitate such a return both to work and to school, public
transportation, which is currently running under a severely limited
framework, should be increased.
In stage two, which would take place one week later, I would suggest and recommend returning the vast majority of the private and public sector to work, including most stores that have been shuttered in the past month.
At that stage, students in grades 1-4 should be allowed back to elementary schools, potentially allowing all parents to return to their places of work without having to stay home to look after young children.
In stage three, the remaining school students should be allowed to return and cafes, restaurants and hotels reopened. Various limitations would still remain in place, however, such as limitations on large gatherings including at schools etc.
Finally, in stage four, which should be rolled out when there is “satisfactory control” over the spread of the virus, public places of major gatherings such as malls, cinemas and sport centers should then be opened.
Why the contribution is important
I feel it is very important so that we get normal service resumed in Scotland as soon as possible,
in a structured, controlled and sensible way.
in a structured, controlled and sensible way.
by stonewall on May 05, 2020 at 02:00PM
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