Supply of affordable Oximeters to vulnerable people

It appears that unnoticed drop in blood oxygen levels (so called "happy hypoxia") is a core feature of Covid infections which seem mild and manageable at first, but then can deteriorate very quickly into severe complications as hypoxia levels are not recognised in time. ( )

I think that affordable Oximeters should be provided by NHS Scotland to vulnerable people, and that , as soon as veulnerable population is supplied the purchase of an Oximeter by each households should be promoted.

Why the contribution is important

It would support early detection of seemingly mild Covid infections which can suddenly deteriorate if low blood oxigen unnoticed over longer time, therefore enabling early intervention (even possibly at home) and potentially prevent admission to hospital

It could support TTIS strategy, to give clearer ideas about infection rate, localisation

by UlrichF on May 07, 2020 at 03:55PM

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  • Posted by CMcIlroy May 09, 2020 at 10:26

    Reduce reuse recycle should be figured into this idea and incentives for sharing in small groups promoted.
  • Posted by LoudounLass May 10, 2020 at 22:25

    Pulse oximeters should be supplied to higher risk patients when they report symptoms - such as those over 50, or with underlying health problems. This would quickly highlight those that need to be admitted to hospital and give people best chance before their condition deteriorates - relying on the shortness of breath symptom is too late for many people.
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