Support and encourage businesses to continue homeworking permanently

The COVID-19 pandemic has shone the light on business' capability to enable thousands of employees to successfully work from home utilising the technology available in 2020.

Scotland could become the model for promoting excellent work-life balance in Britain by continuing to promote homeworking as the new normal for businesses and by supporting businesses to make the transition to become permanent remote-working organisations. Our commutes are increasingly becoming more difficult and frustrating, with many commuters without public transport links spending hours in their cars morning and night which could be better spent at home with their families. Those wishing to avoid the roads find public transport to be overcrowded and stressful, again adding needless hours onto the work day.

As COVID-19 has highlighted, those in office jobs are more than capable of carrying out their roles from home. Offices are overcrowded, with the infrastructure a breeding ground for colds and flus and now for the deadly COVID-19. It is time for Scotland to promote a modern society, utilising the technologies available and save the planet in the process.

Why the contribution is important

Mental health and wellbeing is more important now than ever. Encouraging businesses to continue homeworking in the main will not only help prevent a deadly second spike but also give employees more time at home to spend with loved ones or exercising, both of which promote good mental health and wellbeing.

The COVID-19 pandemic has allowed families to spend more time together than ever before, and time is an incredibly precious resource which we cannot get back. Work-life balance is easier to obtain when not commuting for hours and hours unnecessarily and allows for time to participate in hobbies and activities which enrich the person's life.

Employees will save thousands annually on commuting costs if allowed to homework where possible, freeing up revenue for leisure activities to enjoy with family and friends.

Finally, the environment and the planet will thank us for less cars on the road. Not everyone has the luxury of commuting to work by bike or foot so supporting businesses to continue using technology to work from home will help the environment and keep pollution levels down.

by lauraannehow on May 11, 2020 at 11:55AM

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  • Posted by MHH May 11, 2020 at 15:39

    Additional assistance needs to be given to co-operatives and community associations/organisations businesses and no assistance to any multinational business or one where there is any nominee or off shore holdings or payments...
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