Support for workers in hospitality and events

(1) Business rate relief for venues that rely on mass gatherings. (2) Extended furlough for workers in affected industries closed as a result of continued social restrictions.

Why the contribution is important

When lockdown eases, and furlough potentially being cut, support will still be needed for people with their careers and livelihoods in events industries that rely on mass gatherings. Business rate relief may be required for venues to survive, and the option for extended furlough is required for the workers because availability of work will be at a lifetime low.

by eis on May 07, 2020 at 04:17PM

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  • Posted by MaighstirTodt May 07, 2020 at 17:54

    Totally agree with this. There is the possibility that visitor attractions may not be able to open until next year, what are they supposed to do until then?
  • Posted by FRoss91 May 07, 2020 at 19:05

    Clarification on this is vital for those who already live month to month. Even beyond the lockdown the continued closure of premises would see thousands run into financial difficulties.
  • Posted by petermuir79 May 08, 2020 at 08:20

    A full finance package needs to be in place for all businesses that need to remain closed.

    This includes extending the furlough scheme to avoid mass redundancies, in turn this allows for a quick restart to those businesses and in turn the economy.
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