Supporting vulnerable children while schools shut

Grandparents and others offer massive support for children with ASN, but have not been able to do so under current restrictions. They may be involved because of the parent of the child may have learning disability, mental health issues and/ or addictions.
Grandparents could resume their support under the ‘bubble’ arrangement, but if over 70s are restricted, they may not be able to do so, in spite of being in good health. This is a vital, unrecognized service which must be catered for.

Why the contribution is important

Because vulnerable children are at a more serious disadvantage than their peers during the lock down. The attainment gap is widening.

by JeannieM on May 06, 2020 at 03:31PM

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  • Posted by Angela May 06, 2020 at 17:02

    Vulnerable ASN children are being further excluded due to school closures. For many of them and their families and carers this is their only time spent out with home and independently from their parents/carers.
    These children are in small classes so the social distance could be adhered to more so than in maintstream provision. Though the issue of personal care, challenging behaviour, spitting etc. could be addressed through teachers and carers being provided with PPE and/or scrubs similar to NHS staff that they can change out of at end of day.
  • Posted by SAM May 06, 2020 at 17:03

    My sister is in this situation. I have great empathy and know the stress and impact on parents' mental health is immense. Especially in single parent families.

    We need to focus on the measures with the biggest impact. Preserving mental health should be one of them. This as important as physical health.
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