Suspend charges for homecare/support services where there has been no physical contact.

Many people face charges every month as a contribution towards their support.
These charges are paid to the local councils.
Many people who are not in need of physical care, (so mental health and learning disabilities mainly), have had visits from support workers suspended and receive minimal phone contact for a quick safety check during this time.
In real terms the support package and agreed hours has been suspended.
The councils have not suspended the contributions to care payments in line with the support being reduced to a phone safety check or no contact. This is not acceptable and penalises people who don't require physical care.

Why the contribution is important

People are incurring other expenses during this time to fill the gap over lack of support.
I am aware councils are facing financial challenges over this and I am not suggesting that contributions are ended permanently but charging people for a service agreement that physically cannot be delivered is not acceptable and requires addressing.
It's also concerning that councils are withholding invoices and will present people with a bill for several months support when services resume.

by Moragj on May 08, 2020 at 10:26AM

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  • Posted by Tom9nn May 09, 2020 at 07:46

    Better to allow the support workers to safely return to work when safety measures have been implemented. I agree that payments for no service should be waived until this happens.
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