Suspend pay and display car parking on a temporary basis

I can't see social distancing working on public transport in the near future if we run with existing levels of passengers Even if there were mandatory face masks the risks from hand rails etc make this high risk. We need to accept that we need a certain number of people to revert to cars in the short term but this only work if we suspend pay and display and make parking unrestricted for these parking bays. Yes, I accept this will lead to more traffic in the short term but is tying to bring people in on crowded buses and trains a better option when we have lives at stake?

Why the contribution is important

Until we have a vaccine or herd immunity we need to accept reverting to existing forms of transport present high risks in terms of transmission. Unless we can radically scale up public transport we need to reduce the number on buses and trains by switching some to cars. I am sure there will be those who argue this is contrary to our ambitions for climate change but the impact of a temporary increase in cars into towns and cities vs a mass infection must argue for a different approach in getting people back to work.

by Libraryman on May 05, 2020 at 04:45PM

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  • Posted by Leah May 08, 2020 at 07:47

    100% agree. It will take time for people to build up the confidence to use public transport again, but for those working in the cities, the parking charges are exorbitant. Many people, who do not have the luxury of being able to work from home, will be pleased to be able to return to work again, but will immediately have to face the mental anxiety of making the choice between using public transport and becoming ill/infecting the family, or driving to work and having to drastically/seriously cut back on the food budget because of having to pay for parking.

  • Posted by AMMAC May 11, 2020 at 12:33

    100% agree. Think this is essential to get people back to work. There is no way I want to travel by public transport at the moment or in the foreseeable future. Happy to walk when that is practical but would need car for work.
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