Talk to my app (rather than look into my eyes)

I posted this to uk healthcare also.

Its normal and polite to look at someone when talking to them but this is risky in the Covid situation as any "droplets are targeted towards the person your conversing with.

If the "App" opened you phone microphone with a "talk to my app icon". and directed speech your headphones which a large portion of people are wearing anyway. natural learned behaviour could be changed as people tend to look where they are talking looking at the app could therefore reduce face to face transmission. as droplets no longer directed at the person your conversing with (you may need to clean phone more often though.

Why the contribution is important

potential to reduce face to face transmission during conversation

by CR on May 05, 2020 at 01:24PM

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  • Posted by Belladonna May 05, 2020 at 13:57

    I don't understand. Are you suggesting that if you meet someone you don't actually talk to them you whip out a phone and speak to them via that instead???

    What, then, would be the point of meeting them?
  • Posted by scarywummin May 05, 2020 at 14:06

    Agree with the previous comment. You're assuming that everyone has access to a smartphone and headphones.
  • Posted by CR May 05, 2020 at 14:47

    im suggesting in commuting/restaurant settings etc, you direct your gaze away from the person your talking to. by focusing on phone instead perhaps with an image. try doing it without something else to look at. Women in particular are aware when your not looking at their eyes !
  • Posted by scotjs May 07, 2020 at 02:26

    One thing is for sure. People need to stop talking loudly or at full force or even normally while facing each other at 2 metres distance.

    2 metres is the safe distance when not talking (i.e. standing in a queue of strangers).

    Educate people via TV or other means to be more consciously anti-social while speaking by looking away, and/or speaking facing each other but from further away than 2 metres.

    Honestly everyone, those droplets go further than you think.

    2 metres isn't really safe, it's just not an almost guaranteed transmission like no metres is.
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