Teacher opinion

I think sending kids to school 1 week off 1 week on. That way over the weekend it can be given a deep clean.

A normal maths lesson requires a teacher to usually differentiate on at least 3 levels. If you group children based on levels of ability it will allow teachers to focus on key skills and attempt to fill gaps. This way they could give support when needed and challenge when needed.

Why the contribution is important

When children do return to school the spectrum of learning is going to be significantly larger than before. It’s crucial that we do all we can for the children

by Hazelbrown on May 05, 2020 at 10:39PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.1
Based on: 12 votes


  • Posted by Primo May 06, 2020 at 00:19

    Siblings attending school at the same time to help parents manage working.
  • Posted by Mandyintdesign May 06, 2020 at 08:05

    This will not work. It will also extend the spread of the virus and time until we can contain this virus.
  • Posted by Pandamamma May 06, 2020 at 17:25

    This will create major issues for people working, having to find alternative childcare for the other week, employers will not accept staff saying they can work one week but not the next. Teachers are also parents, so what do they do with their kids when they are expected to teach full time but their kids are only in part time?
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