Teachers are parents too

When considering reopening schools, please take into account the fact that many teachers are also parents. What happens to my children if I have to return to school and my children are staggered. Our childcare is my mum, who is shielding.
Schools could reopen as normal if cleaning in schools was better than the current system which sees my classroom cleaned twice a week. Also, the handwashing facilities on my school are shocking.

Why the contribution is important

Normality, but with added safeguards.

by Briggssheep on May 06, 2020 at 08:03AM

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  • Posted by AnnetteK May 06, 2020 at 09:45

    Yes, my sister and brother-in-law are both High School teachers with young Primary aged children. They would find the staggered approach extremely challenging. The grandparents are all over 70, and my father is on the Shielding list. This will be a common scenario throughout the country.

    Having said that, I do think the staggered approach, part-time attendance with a mixture of online and in-school classes would be the only option to ensure safe social distancing and allow adequate cleaning. Schools would have to stagger start/stop times and break times too.

    Sanitiser and antibacterial wipes dispensers need to be in all classrooms.
  • Posted by loulou May 07, 2020 at 09:43

    I'm not sure how expecting parents to return to work would work if schools are not fully open?
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