Teachers with underlying conditions continue with Home Learning

There seems to be less mention these days of people with underlying health conditions ( not those who are shielded) and what will happen to them after lockdown is eased. Is the plan just to send them back to work? . My idea would be if schools return, then those teachers who have no underlying health conditions could physically go back into schools to teach small groups of children to respect social distancing rules. Those teachers with underlying health conditions asthma, heart disease, diabetes etc, would stay working from home to continue the running of google classroom for those children who are not at school on particular days.

Why the contribution is important

This would then protect the health and safety of children, staff in schools but would also allow for the continuing education of those children who are not actually in the school building. It would be so very difficult for a class teacher to teach some children face to face in school and also run google classroom alongside that for those children who are not in school in a particular day or week. This would then make the workload fairer for all but also the quality of learning and teaching for the children.

by SooziT on May 06, 2020 at 11:36AM

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