Team skill diversification

Volunteer and working teams in care sector diversify their skills to motivate and take a break from intensity with skills in gardening for food or creative decorative tasks. The diversification is like a working holiday. Would keep teams healthier while enhancing community and environment. through the investment of labour in greening and brightening. Localise to reduce travel, increased number of teams vital.
The teams share the workload but their workload is more varied not heavier.
This could be applied to food production as well to give all people working in low skill jobs a work experience outside of factories and offices.
Co ordinated for efficiency with social distancing. The number of hours worked in factories and offices and vital sectors by an individual might be less but with more teams working on the same task the taskload can progress at a reasonable rate.
Universal income allows for this.
The investment in health at work is quite relevant as well.

Why the contribution is important

Investment in people
Environmental initiatives
Sharing the burdens
Low skill workers increase skills
Morale and motivation improvement
Productivity at a steady pace
Greater resilience to lockdowns in care and food production sectors

by CMcIlroy on May 09, 2020 at 04:15PM

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