Temperature checks

Temperature checks should be carried out on all people using train stations, buses , supermarket entrances .

There should be temperature checkpoints in individual towns and city's led by the army and police. Anyone found to have a temperature is sent into isolation and recorded on a database so if they are found out again in 14 days they are fined £100 which goes directly to NHS scotland to buy more PPE.

It takes 30 seconds to get a reading from an individual so is not overly invasive or time consuming.

Why the contribution is important

It is well published that the most common symptom is a temperature. If we cant get reliable tests then a check of temperatures is the next best thing.

It has been working in China which have seen a drastic reduction in cases.

by Purplemum79 on May 09, 2020 at 05:29PM

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Based on: 5 votes


  • Posted by JLMBD May 09, 2020 at 18:27

    It may take 30 seconds and provide employment for some people but it isn't a reliable way to diagnose C19. Up to 80% of people may be asymptomatic, and even those with a cough may not have a fever. It probably isn't valuable enough to use the resources. It might have helped back in January/February but it's probably too late to make much difference now.
  • Posted by harshtruth May 09, 2020 at 20:48

    Absolutely based idea my lass.
    They can keep my temperature if they want, I run a proud pneumonia/hypothermia tier temperature most days of low 35c sometimes dipping below.

    I'll be free to go anywhere exploiting my weird genetic mutation.
  • Posted by GrahamDane May 09, 2020 at 21:28

    This should be one of many measures, but never mind the 30 s test - use an infrared camera like they did during the ebola outbreak. This can scan crowds of people without holding up the flow.
    It won't pick up early stage cases but will pick up some later stage ones so is a valuable extra measure.
  • Posted by AlJones May 10, 2020 at 09:54

    There are other reasons for high temperatures. People would have to resort to taking their own car in order to avoid these strange measures.

    What a waste of money.
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