Get doctors to test patients ,interview them if they think they have had it .and where they may have got it a blood test to see if any damage has been done .patient been abroad Nov onwards
Deceased patients where the have been and details of symptoms and how long before they were deceased ask immediate relatives
If the patient know of other cases and what happened unexplained fatigue
It may have been here in Nov onwards .symptoms may differ .How many patients have died Nov onwards from.pneumonia symptoms
Deceased patients where the have been and details of symptoms and how long before they were deceased ask immediate relatives
If the patient know of other cases and what happened unexplained fatigue
It may have been here in Nov onwards .symptoms may differ .How many patients have died Nov onwards from.pneumonia symptoms
Why the contribution is important
Testing and tracing ,is the way to finding out what the virus has been up to how it's spread .it
When it arrived
should have been done March during lock down
When it arrived
should have been done March during lock down
by Rosalindannwoo2 on May 11, 2020 at 07:29PM
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