Testing at airports

Effective testing at airports and compulsory quarantining please.

Why the contribution is important

Maybe a bit late with this but other countries do seem to be flattening the curve quicker by testing and quarantining people who are coming back into the country from other places.

by Mopsy on May 06, 2020 at 07:46AM

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  • Posted by AliB May 07, 2020 at 16:51

    Totally agree. Why we are allowing all these people to arrive without insisting they do 14 days isolation is unbelievable. Those nationals who were stuck in other countries should have been isolated before and after flights.
  • Posted by Giblcs0 May 07, 2020 at 17:18

    Unbelievable that this is not happening now.
  • Posted by Strathearn May 07, 2020 at 17:45

    Failure to do this a long time ago has cost the UK sorely. I believe it has allowed a much higher rate of infection to spread through society that would otherwise have been the case. And that means that getting out of lockdown will take much longer than in countries that clamped down early and have now virtually eradicated the virus from their communities.

    Until we quarantine people entering the country, we have little hope of suppressing the virus because we will continue to introduce fresh sources of infection. At the very least every one coming in should be tested and if positive traced – but that may be too late as they may have spread it to others.
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