Testing for all in household

Testing should be carried out for all in every household in the same way as testing is sent and carried out every few years for bowel cancer. Testing kits could be sent to everyone, analysed and if negative then the lockdown on the person could be lifted. TTI could then be employed if symptoms appear at a later date. If testing proves positive then isolation should begin.

Why the contribution is important

I feel that it would be a way forward to release people from the lockdown and a process to be followed should signs of the virus become apparent.

by JC2603 on May 09, 2020 at 04:35PM

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Based on: 9 votes


  • Posted by Ideas81 May 09, 2020 at 17:50

    Great idea. Widespread testing required then only those who test positive need to be quarantined
  • Posted by DMC May 09, 2020 at 22:06

    Unless people isolate after testing negative, repeat testing on an ongoing frequent (minimum weekly) basis would be required. Testing only useful as part of a test, trace and isolate process which only likely to be practical once the numbers infected are far lower.
  • Posted by bob2020 May 09, 2020 at 23:21

    This would be great, but with current supposed testing capacity of some 10,000 it would take some 550 weeks to test all of Scotlands population. This thus is an impracticable approach.
    Most of Scotland is in a good position, but it appears there are a few regions that are lagging in getting the virus R value such as Greater Glasgow & Clyde and Lanark.
    TTI as talked about by the First Minister could now be carried out, if there were right resources in place, in the Borders, Dunfries and Galloway, Highlands, Shetlands, Western Isle, Orkneys, Fife, Forth Valley. No need to mass test all the people in these areas. Would hope this is already being carried out in these regions.
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