Testing only done by health professionals

People doing their own covid swabs will not get an accurate result as they will not go far back enough to get the correct result. This is possibly why there are false negative results.
My friend attended a testing centre run by the army where she had to do her own test with their advice. While i am not criticising the army, unless you have the swab done by someone else, the swab wont go deep enough into the throat or nose to get the correct result.

Why the contribution is important

People assuming they are negative will be roaming the streets when lockdown ends. It is extremely important that the swab is done correctly otherwise the rate of infection will rise rapidly.

by rossara on May 08, 2020 at 10:21AM

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  • Posted by MikeJohnston May 08, 2020 at 10:30

    Accept what you say, but anyone can be trained to do it right. We need massive testing numbers and anything that unloads the NHS is good. I've also recommended taking Tracing out of the NHS.
  • Posted by rossara May 08, 2020 at 10:47

    Yes you are right but my point was really that if you have to do the swab on yourself, it will not be done properly as to do it properly is uncomfortable.
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