The Biggest Global Challenge in generations?

Scottish Government statement that 'The emergence of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is the biggest global challenge that humanity has faced for generations.' completely ignores two world wars and the possibility that our planet will become uninhabitable due to climate change in the not too distant future. In comparison the reaction to a relatively small number of deaths of mainly elderly people seems to be completely off the scale. Let's stop the hype and look after our economy, our businesses and our children's futures. Those who wish to isolate can do so and be supported.

Why the contribution is important

We need to stop all the hype around this virus, which is at present killing 3 in 10,000 people. There is no evidence of any second surge anywhere in the world, and the cases and deaths are falling quite rapidly.
Please follow proper scientific statistics, and not unsubstantiated theories from self styled 'experts'.

by jnoble on May 09, 2020 at 10:56AM

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  • Posted by Scotspensioner May 09, 2020 at 11:05

    I agree. This is almost national hysteria. We are stuck in a crisis of our own making. The new field hospitals are there, use them. Now let's get back to living. Stop being so scared of dying. The odds are pretty good.
  • Posted by Louisethomson20 May 09, 2020 at 11:37

    Do we know enough about this virus to make these kind of decisions? Do we know the background basis for the 'official ' facts? There have been some fairly big u turns.
    By all means focus on saving the economy because everything has a place but to become blase about who is being struck down may come back to bite. I wonder how the non risk groups would feel if the virus mutates to affect younger healthier people and despite there being no successful treatment they are told to buck up and stop being scared of dying...
    A bit more social commitment please in our suggestions...
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