The food factory

Get the restaurants and all our talented chefs to register in a scheme which makes the customer add a % to their takeaway / food order to help those that need fed.

And the food factory collects the meals from participating restaurant and drives them.

Maybe lease car companies could help and drivers could get a fuel card. Insurers could chip in and provide insurance FOC and the government maybe could help
With road tax.

Why the contribution is important

We need to feed the vulnerable, simple.

by philipsg on May 06, 2020 at 09:37PM

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  • Posted by BUTEMACS May 06, 2020 at 23:43

    Would need to be targeted in the right places, where I live in a city there is actually a surplus of food being donated & distributed so it does need proper coordinating & monitoring. Personally my family are not buying takeaways at the moment but not bad idea
  • Posted by Eleeko May 07, 2020 at 00:08

    food production factories Should be reopened, with strict guidelines, and shift pattern 2 or 3 day working to get the economy going.
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