The future direction

We are reliant on a non proven vaccine/treatment that may or may not come along in a timeframe as yet unknown.
The first point... The Coronavirus family (Rhinovirus, SARS, MERS etc) is noted for its ability to mutate rapidly.
To date there are no vaccines that provide total immunity for any member of this family of viruses.
Making a vaccine isn’t difficult, making one that is completely effective another matter altogether.
If we carry on with this lockdown then far from helping our own cause we now run a far graver risk potentially.
While the glycoproteins on the surface of this chop and change different mutations are already emerging .... Some more benign others more aggressive.
In an environment where man does not interfere then the ever more benign strains will tend to become dominant... Ever more benign strains crowd out the nasties, a host that doesn’t die of it is more likely to spread it further and the weaker the strain the less impaired the host so more successful the viral strain is... I suspect the first outing of Rhinovirus probably was adverse on the susceptible population and it was a case of weaker strains flourishing at the expense of the nastiest ones that left us with the low grade five day grumble the modern cold is.
By isolating any host as soon as symptoms appear we run the risk of providing the nastier strains a level playing field.... The ones that get to kill their host as likely to spread as the far more benign versions...
You only have to look at SARS or MERS to realise the dangers that this could ultimately pose... Remember SARS we are only talking around 30000 infections so there would have been limited numbers of mutations which is a lot easier to create a vaccine for than this virus which is now out there in the millions of hosts with its ability to live in the ungoverned spaces of the world indefinitely.

Why the contribution is important

The lockdown may only delay the inevitable

by Robert on May 05, 2020 at 02:03PM

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