Third sector/charities
That third sector/smaller charities be recognised for their significant contribution throughout the pandemic. While mostly acknowledged as essential services/key workers, it’s always the larger charities that receive accolade and recognition. Smaller charities are contributing with less resources, time, staff, than the larger ones and are doing so because they are operating from the heart of their communities and know best which families require the most support, food, aid, essentials etc.
Why the contribution is important
It’s important to recognise that many smaller voluntary organisations are also contributing to tackling the pandemic. E.g. delivering food and essentials into the homes of the most vulnerable community members inc those confirmed as positive cases. Yet there is little government recognition of this and little reward. Our staff and volunteers can’t access discounts or protected shopping hours for those they shop for as NHS ID is usually asked for. For the sake of morale and key worker wellbeing please acknowledge the likes of community development organisations, community workers, support workers other than just those classed as care or NHS staff.
by SharonM on May 11, 2020 at 04:53PM
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