Time Limited Mask Wearing

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Like the time-reviewed lockdown advice, we should move to time-reviewed mask wearing advice when outdoors. People will be more open to wearing them if they know that it's not a permanent change, it's temporary. This will help the uptake.

Home made masks are extremely easy for people to produce themselves, and have the potential to dramatically cut infection rates. Whilst historically some science might not have proven the benefits, there is a growing understanding that they can help, and with potentially huge effect. Countries with a culture of wearing masks have dramatically lower infection rates and, whilst we can't say that's down purely to mask wearing, common sense says that it must be contributing to that success.

It's something that we should trial given the low cost and potentially huge benefit. It should be promoted with a media blast.


Why the contribution is important

Given the economic and social costs of lockdowns, the risk of further lockdowns, if wearing masks has an impact on the reproduction rate, it will have a huge economic, social and health impact.

As long as the advice is time limited, people will be more likely to wear them.

The science will be reviewing this over the coming months, it could turn out that they have a huge effect and we lost lives, jobs, liberty, for the lack of a Blue Peter episode promoting the wearing of masks.

by smd80 on May 07, 2020 at 12:24PM

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