Time outdoors

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As someone who lives in a small flat without a garden I have been restricted to being indoors for 23 hours every day since lockdown began. This has been challenging both physically and mentally, especially as my coffee kiosk business (now closed due to lockdown) sees me outdoors most of the time.
I fully understand and support the Scottish Governments approach to the pandemic and have adjusted strictly to the rules, however some more time outside each day to exercise or to relax by reading a book would be very helpful. I think this could be achieved easily as long as we all stick to strict social distancing and stay local.

Why the contribution is important

The extra time in the fresh air and sunlight would definitely help my wellbeing and more time to walk would definitely aid my mental health as it has in the past.
Thank you for giving this suggestion your consideration.

by Stewartmurdoch43 on May 07, 2020 at 04:35AM

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