Timing of actions out of lockdown

That the R number in Scotland is probably higher than in the rest of the UK because we entered the pandemic slightly later and are at a later point in the curve of infections and, therefore, it is probably sensible to move out of lockdown slightly later. This is not a political point to do things slightly differently from the rest of the UK; it is statistically and science-driven.

Why the contribution is important

Nobody has suggested that the same calendar timing of action should be the same as other countries even if they have had favourable experiences. However, similar actions at appropriate R number statistics could be sensible.

by AMoir001 on May 05, 2020 at 02:34PM

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  • Posted by Colin87 May 07, 2020 at 06:57

    I disagree that the timing needs to be different. There are some lockdown measures that make little scientific sense e.g. only outside once a day, no leisure activities like swimming on your own that should be relaxed. Other measures like testing, PPE provision and dealing with the transmission within care homes and hospitals are very important. Let's be surgical in our considerations of easing lockdown
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