Traffic light system

For health board areas (or smaller), introduce traffic light system to allow movement/restriction of movement based on infection rate in those areas, with detailed instruction on each level, from red restricting access to area, reducing movement and contact, to green, allowing more movement and social interaction whilst maintaining good hygiene etc.

Why the contribution is important

This will allow hotspot areas to be identified and movement restricted quickly, until such time as the infection rate in that area drops, and using the system restrictions can be lifted or imposed with much greater degree of speed and flexibility to help ease strain on NHS and on the publics health and well-being

by DJW on May 05, 2020 at 03:55PM

Current Rating

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Based on: 6 votes


  • Posted by byminutes May 05, 2020 at 16:09

    Only issue I see is how the system is communicated to the public in each area. So much contra information at the moment eg face coverings are they good/necessary or are they not. Do children carry the disease or do they not. The public will see what they want to see in any system.
  • Posted by DevVeh May 05, 2020 at 19:16

    Have a look at my post about South Africa's level based system which I think covers the goal while making sure it is unambiguous
  • Posted by retep May 07, 2020 at 13:58

    I think we need a simple way to communicate the risk level. Traffic lights or a 1 to 5 risk scale could be used. I also think we should think about coming out of lockdown in a phased manner using zones either by health board or by council.

    If, for example, we say red zones are in full lockdown, amber partial and green is the new normal.

    Zones that become green can be used to test new measures where required.

    Make it clear to the public our priority is to eradicate red zones and that will be our number one priority.

    Some people will break the rules, we know that, but the majority think Nicola and her team are doing a great job and will follow them.
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