Transition to P1

A soft start to Primary 1 in August.

Why the contribution is important

It will have been a long time since most children have been in a structured group setting. They will also have been with their parents 24/7 for a long time and have adjusted emotionally to this.
Many will have also experienced stress and trauma: Bereavement, Separation, Domestic Violence, Abuse, Neglect, to name a few.
A soft start to P1 would be short periods of time building up to 1/2 days with play and social skills being the main focus to re introduce children to being in a group setting and re -establishing skills and dispositions for learning. All P1 classes should follow the nurture class model for a considerable period of time. Their should be 2 learning support assistants per class in addition to the teacher to support this approach.

by AnnFrances on May 11, 2020 at 06:31PM

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  • Posted by NCS74 May 11, 2020 at 19:19

    I agree with the soft start, play based, nurture-focused transition into primary 1. This is always how it should be though, not just because of covid19!
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