Transmission rates

Why don't you publish the R No. Split between general population, hospitals and care homes? This would give us a more accurate rate of transmission that is out in the public as this is probably much less than the hospital/care home settings.

Why the contribution is important

It would give us a more accurate risk assessment for when we need to shopping or back to work

by marionfairbairn on May 08, 2020 at 02:13PM

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  • Posted by Wulan19 May 08, 2020 at 14:34

    The more information in the public domain the better, full transparency.
  • Posted by NadineH May 08, 2020 at 14:59

    I agree that we need to now more about the spread of the infection in all sectors in order to know how much it has already spread and model future spread. Care homes are a special case but the staff there return to their homes each day so contacting the wider community. It was a mistake in my view to concentrate testing on hospital patients rather than in the community but hopefully this can soon be rectified.
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