Planes - the use of the planes oxygen masks onboard?
The use of the hot towel service before disembarkation?
The use of hydrogen peroxide cleaning after plane use?
Cardboard 'people' in spaces, to limit the distribution of people where you dont want them to be?
No hand baggage allowed in plane? Waist bags only allowed?
Use of toilets limited encourage people to limit fluid intake and go before embarcation, no drink in plane. Heat scanners? To assess if someone is unwell. This wd be done on arrival at airport not at boarding.
Bus - openair buses.
Using one door (middle) to get on and leave by same or rear door. Front door for disabled/pregnant only?
Tickets bought prior to journey.
Face masks to be used.
The use of the hot towel service before disembarkation?
The use of hydrogen peroxide cleaning after plane use?
Cardboard 'people' in spaces, to limit the distribution of people where you dont want them to be?
No hand baggage allowed in plane? Waist bags only allowed?
Use of toilets limited encourage people to limit fluid intake and go before embarcation, no drink in plane. Heat scanners? To assess if someone is unwell. This wd be done on arrival at airport not at boarding.
Bus - openair buses.
Using one door (middle) to get on and leave by same or rear door. Front door for disabled/pregnant only?
Tickets bought prior to journey.
Face masks to be used.
Why the contribution is important
Prevent spread of any virus or other disease.
To get transport back for the economy.
To get transport back for the economy.
by SuvCameron on May 09, 2020 at 09:07AM
Posted by Johnc May 09, 2020 at 11:42
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Posted by Ro2 May 09, 2020 at 14:25
But here's something to add to the list:
Those of us old enough to remember air travel when it was still pleasurable and somewhat special, will remember that planes had individual air-conditioning nozzles about the seats. Apart from giving nice fresh air to individual preference, this ensured an over-all downward air flow.
Recent-design planes like Boeing 777 have just a few airco-vents that cause stale air to swirl all around the cabin; not only giving poor air quality and temperatures varying from freezing to getting cooked depending on where you happen to sit in economy class, but also almost certainly making it easier for viruses to jump between passengers.
With Easyjet, I often get an Airbus A319 or similar that must be several decades old and that still has the individual airco nozzles above the seats. Nice nostalgic touch, and now perhaps also useful against covid-spread in combination with other measures.
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Posted by Cmnotzs May 10, 2020 at 10:21
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