
Public transport travel for work for non key workers (when lockdown opens up) should be restricted to one journey so if someone needs to uses 2 buses, trains etc. This should not be allowed, time on the public transport should be restricted and only permitted with facemasks, restricted amount people to a carriage. Flexible working hours encouraged to avoid peak travel issues. Should people be traveling to different cities and towns when the time is right or only if you live work within 10miles? Thank you for all the clear advice so far.

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by Lornabeaton on May 11, 2020 at 07:20PM

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  • Posted by LauraMac May 11, 2020 at 19:29

    Utterly discriminatory for non-drivers who rely on public transport.
  • Posted by caz May 11, 2020 at 20:36

    I travel to work by train, and it's very expensive. This is a chance to look at the public transport system in the longer term and to transform it into something efficient, affordable and easy to use. This is the only way to get people out of their cars and make Scotland a greener country. There are obviously issues in the short term with social distancing, but longer term we need to make affordable public transport a reality.
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