Travel to visit family/partners outside of Scotland in the UK

Allow separated partners/families to travel longer distances within the UK following the new guidelines on social distancing, contact tracing and isolation. At the time of lockdown not all families and units were able to make journeys to combine households and in some cases partners were forced into choosing where to be to look after relatives or through work obligations (ie people working in other parts of the UK).

This is also where relatives or even friends who are terminally ill to meet as they do not have limitless time and where families/partners have been separated by geography.

Why the contribution is important

Separation anxiety and a sense of disconnect particularly is a real mental health problem. It is vital to ensure that family and relationships are preserved, and necessary for social well being to accept that it is necessary to allow people to move within guidance.

It should be a matter of trust and using the tools available (app, guidance) to allow safe and responsible travel.

by ADD22 on May 05, 2020 at 03:29PM

Current Rating

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Based on: 29 votes


  • Posted by Meerykat May 05, 2020 at 15:59

    I agree, as long as all safety aspects are applied.
  • Posted by SandraC May 05, 2020 at 16:10

    If there are rules to follow fine -please allow people to see partners and loved ones who live a distance -i've not seen my partner of four years for over 6 weeks now - we live over 300 mls apart and as both still working - moving in together was not an option as of lock down. There is no way looking at plans that the end of July is fair for travel outwith your town - its an impossible thought.
  • Posted by AlexMD May 05, 2020 at 16:16

    I don't see any problem.
  • Posted by dmiller1 May 05, 2020 at 16:20

    Be good to have this option - need to ensure appropriate safeguards
  • Posted by Tia444 May 05, 2020 at 16:45

    Rule to say - stay in your car then follow social distancing, washing hands etc. Agree this is important to separated families.
  • Posted by scotm9490 May 05, 2020 at 17:07

    Me and my partner live under 300 miles apart and have been separated since the beginning of March and my grandparents are separated from their children who lived in England too. I don't see why there is any plausible excuse to continue forcing these restrictions, when these can be easily tracked as no public transport would need to be used, making it easier to track and trace those who you have come into contact with. Continuing these restrictions any longer than necessary is extremely detrimental to mental health, something the FM has acknowledged she doesn't want to cause any continued harm to. This is a must!
  • Posted by Cathy_Baldwin May 06, 2020 at 01:12

    I agree, my elderly mum lives in London, is alone and this is mentally killing both of us. Not all of us have our loved ones on the doorstep.
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