Trust Scottish people

Scottish people are largely following the guidelines as laid out in Government advice. Going forward, there should be a trust that people will behave in a responsible way when lock down is loosened. People should wear masks (to be distributed by government), continue to observe current social distancing and to self isolate in the event that they feel unwell - and furthermore, to advise anyone they have been in contact with to do likewise. (It seems a little unlikely that any contact they have had with people they do not know is so significant that they would need to get them to self isolate - even if they could find them.)

If we do this for a short period of time and there is no evidence that there is further spreading of the virus, then we should allow the shielded population to be given the same freedoms.

Why the contribution is important

Give the Scottish people the opportunity to prove they are special

by johnf on May 05, 2020 at 02:35PM

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  • Posted by JDKFB May 05, 2020 at 15:24

    It's a good aspiration, but let's not forget the instant gridlock of cars that formed once a branch of Costa re-opened it's drive through here in Scotland . Not one single one of those journeys was 'essential'. We couldn't trust people to make good decisions on these insignificant transactions.

  • Posted by ABM May 05, 2020 at 15:27

    The openness of the Scottish Government approach is commendable. The great majority of Scots would support the above.

    I agree with the above.
  • Posted by Welshy123 May 05, 2020 at 17:02

    Absolutely do not agree with this. If it’s guidance, the majority of people will adhere to it but a large amount won’t esp in some communities. Too risky. Why should others potentially suffer because others think the guidance doesn’t apply to them?
  • Posted by Zonino May 06, 2020 at 11:39

    You only have to look around you on a daily basis to see the monumental stupidity of people.

    Some folk just don't care about the welfare of anyone except themselves and giving them the power or trust to make up their own minds how to act during this crisis will just end badly.

    That may sound harsh but there are always the few idiots that screw things up for the rest of us that would be able to do this.
  • Posted by Kylesku May 08, 2020 at 22:17

    Stop treating us like WEANS
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